Hi, Shinnfans,
We have a new phone number! It’s 559-643-2072. You can reach both Lisa and me on our mobile phones at this number. 3 out of 4 dentists agree that this is the best way to contact us! Call now! Operators are standing by!
– A + L2
Hi, Shinnfans,
We have a new phone number! It’s 559-643-2072. You can reach both Lisa and me on our mobile phones at this number. 3 out of 4 dentists agree that this is the best way to contact us! Call now! Operators are standing by!
– A + L2
O.K. Andrew!!!! Check your grammar. Mrs. Mitchell would have an attack, for sure.
*Chagrined* Fixed it, grandma. Thanks!
Is this a work number or what?
It’s an everything number. Works for both of us, too!
We just have to state that our new phone numbers are almost somehow related! They are the same – 643-20…until the last 2 digits. The difference is that ours ends in 36. Yours 72….hmmm…isn’t 36×2= 72???? Erie… 🙂
Miss you guys! Let’s get together soon…