I have some newly finished images on display at blog.shinnphoto.com. Be sure to check them out! Leave me some comments here or there. Specifically: would you consider using my newest images as desktop wallpaper?
I know I’m due for some life updates (business is now open, new puppy, new semester at school, etc.). I’ll get them up here soon enough. If you care about that stuff at all, let me know in the comments so I can blog about it (or not).
Thanks for reading,
I’d love to hear about business, schools and…
a new puppy!!!??? I’m excited to hear more about pets, as well as meet new pets soon!!!
Plus, I particularly like the recent quotes from Bill Frank and Andrew Shinn about Magnets and Saddam respectively! 🙂
Plus…Gmail rocks! Thanks
Jeff Bergeson
I would agree with Jeff — share away! Isn’t that what a blog is for? Enjoyed the magnet quote, yikes!