Art Hop

Last night Lisa and I went with my Seminar in New Ventures class to Art Hop. Art Hop happens the first Thursday evening of every month in Fresno. It’s an opening of many different kinds of art studios in Downtown Fresno. We started our Art Hop tour at the city’s historic Bus Barn, which has been turned into the Art Barn after a group of artists took it off the city’s hands for a $1 purchase price and $250,000 in maintenance. It was really cool to walk around and see artists of all different types and calibers, ranging from the part-time after-hours school teacher to the man who sells his paintings at galleries nationwide. I enjoyed being able to stand in front of each piece of art and ask the artist about it. That really enriched the entire experience for me. If any Shinnfans happen to be in Fresno on the first Thursday of every month (after this semester, of course), I’d be happy to join you and hop over to Art Hop!

Happy Friday,

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