What I’m reading now: July edition I

I’m reading three books concurrently.  I’ll give you some hints, but I want guesses from you, fair readers, as to the exact titles.


  • One of the books is new, while the other two are old.
  • I believe at least one book (possibly two) to be in the public domain.
  • I’m reading one in print (from a series printed by Barnes and Noble), one on my iPhone, and one as an audiobook.
  • One book is non-fiction, while the other two are works of fiction.

What other clues would you like?  The setting for the opening scenes for the works of fiction?  Some not-too-obivous plot detail? The titles worked into anagrams?  Just let me know!

2 thoughts on “What I’m reading now: July edition I”

  1. I just want the titles!!! and I want the list of Liam’s vocab! Lucky you, at the beach. I also want pictures! Love, Mom

  2. Okay, here’s a hint: One is by Dickens, one is by Tim Weiner, and I’ve never heard the author (only the title) of the third one.

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