Clara at 11 Months

She’s growing so fast! Our little Clara is getting to a really fun age. She’s much more interactive – talking, laughing, and giggling a lot. She can say both ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada’ now, and she’s clear on which one of us she wants at any given time. She’s still a pretty easy-going little girl, and not much rattles her. It turns out this is a very good quality for a second child to have! Her brother Liam loves to play with her, talk to her, climb into her crib in the morning, and generally play round. He’s one of her favorite people, but he is a little bit rough with her at times. We’ve tried teaching her sign language, but she hasn’t used anything but ‘please’ yet. She’s modified this sign to fit her preferences, and she does this sign with a circular motion of her hand up on top of her head instead of on her chest. Her hair sticks up on top of her head, which is cute and a little funny-looking. She goes to bed pretty easily. All we have to do is lay her in her crib with a pacifier and a blanket, and she puts herself to sleep. Liam STILL hasn’t mastered this art, though he’s getting better. Clara has two cute little teeth on the bottom of her mouth, which she uses to chew cheerios and anything else we give her. She does’t like to be fed, but will eat without hesitation (or notice, apparently) if she has something in her hands to work on or play with. We’re enjoying every stage, and especially this one. Enjoy the picture below, taken by Lisa and Rachel in the studio last week.

3 thoughts on “Clara at 11 Months”

  1. +These pictures go straight to the heart of the matter – this is one cute child!!!! Thank you for posting these for us to enjoy. Being great grandparents to this child (and the other 3 also) is a mark of our “good taste” in children and grandchildren.

  2. Awww. I love the pics! Esp the ones in the last set (“vintage-y”) Can’t wait to see her soon!!

  3. She really is adorable! I have to say that the in 9th picture she looks SOOO much like Uncle Brian. I did a double take! So fun to read about her and her little personality as well. Gracie says hi Clara!

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