Another Blog

I’ve tried this before.  There was a Shinn Photo blog awhile back, but it didn’t have a very well-defined concept and suffered from a lack of meaningful content.  I trashed it after a while.  Since then, photographers have gone crazy with client-side blogs, and I’ve happily decided to rip off the general idea and make a client-facing blog with photos and my professional writings.  For now, you can see it at  It’s taking the place of my regular site while I get a new main web site online.  Eventually, I expect it to end up at  Let me know if you’re likely to read it!



3 thoughts on “Another Blog”

  1. A new website AGAIN?!?! But I liked your other one!

  2. I looked at the new website. I like the idea, but I think I liked the old site better. Will it be in place of the “real” one, or just a part of it, or separate? Personally, I like the idea of having it as a part of the “real” one, just not the main front page. My opinion, take it or leave it, either way is fine. 🙂

  3. Thanks for weighing in, Rachels! Here’s the scoop: the current is temporary. In the long-term, it will actually end up being the Shinn Photo blog. So it’s not going away. But I wanted to put something up for the 1,200 visitors we have every month while I work on the new So love it or hate it, it’s here to stay (but not as the main web site). The old site had issues that ended up being too onerous for too many of our customers, so it was time to switch to something new. Thanks again for letting me know what you think!

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